
How partners view penis size - Does size really matter?

Internet Advertisers try to make you believe that your partner cares a lot about penis size. While some women say it does matter, most women say size is unimportant. The media would also have you believe that gay men are obsessed with penis size. But penis size is a matter of personal preference for both you and your partner.

A penis that is too big may not be an advantage during sex. During sexual intercourse, the tip of a long penis can hit a woman's cervix and cause pain. Besides, the sensitive nerves of the vagina are mostly located close to the opening where the length of your penis isn't an issue. If your partner suggests your penis is too small, discuss creative ways to give her more sexual pleasure.

Just assume that you're fine just the way you are unless your partner tells you otherwise. Understanding your partner's physical and emotional needs and desires is much more likely to improve your sexual relationship than trying to change the size of your penis.

On the other hand, many women report penis girth is much more important than penis length. That’s because a thicker cock stimulates the nerves of the vagina (that are located close to the opening of the vagina as mentioned above) better than a penis that has an average girth or below.

There is no doubt a Complete Penis Development Program can develop your penis girth (and length) so that you can satisfy your women during intercourse.


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