
Penis Surgery to increase Penis Size?

Penis enlargement Surgery— not for cosmetic use

Some creative surgeons have developed several different penis enlargement techniques.
However, none of them endorsed by medical organizations. The American Urological Association, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons(ASPS) have all issued policy statements against cosmetic surgery to enhance the penis.

A few different techniques are used to lengthen a penis. These are all experimental techniques..

1.One procedure to lengthen the penis involves slicing the suspensory ligament that attaches the penis to the pubic bone and moving skin from the abdomen to the penile shaft. When this ligament is cut, the penis may look longer because more of the male organ hangs down that was hided inside the abdomen before.. But cutting the suspensory ligament can make an erect penis unstable and position itself at odd angles.

2.A second operation to increase penis size advances a skin flap from the pubic area onto the penis. This technique can cause severe deformities, such as hair growth on the base of the penis and scarring among other problems.

3.Fat grafting to increase Penis girth

Some procedures to make the penis thicker involve suctioning fat from the inner thighs or the stomach and injecting the fat into the penis. Another technique is simply to graft fat cut away from the buttocks or abdomen onto the penile shaft. Some practitioners use Alloderm which in essence is tissue from corpses.

None of these techniques has been proved to be safe or to increase penis length or girth effective. The ASPS considers injecting fat into the penis of unproven benefit and unknown safety. Potential risks of these techniques include infection, loss of sensation in the skin, excessive bleeding and loss of a healthy penile function.

While this may increase penis girth, the body can reabsorb the fat over time and cause an irregular contour to the penis. Some studies indicated less than a third of the injected fat remained after one year following injection
After reading about all these risks and complications involved in Penis Enlargement surgery (not to mention the HUGE cost!), I can only recommend to use safe methods like a Quality Penis Extender or Natural Penis Enlargement Program.

Stay tuned,


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